Sunday, May 24, 2009

Unpublished - America's Sweetheart

I expected the fratboys and the hipsters. I didn't expect the lesbian couples and the elderly gentlemen with snazzy sneakers. Storm Large and the Balls have developed a cult following from the denizens of Beaverton and the downtown underground. Not until the announced raffle for the benefit of the Q Center did the lesbians, and the elderly gentlemen too, make sense. Sitting in the balcony of the Wonder Ballroom made for excellent people watching against the backdrop of Storm's Christmas special. According to the gentlewoman next to us, we had missed Sam Adams and Storm's rendition "Baby It's Cold Outside". She had wanted to hear Storm sing for awhile and Adams spoken word performance had won her over. After a few minutes conversation, I had decided to adopt her as my aunt and then learned she's a tranny. I had no idea. She high fived both of us, genuinely pleased. To mention that part of Storm's appeal is her rauchy mouth would be blaise, she embodies feminine rock n roll freedom even as she claims the dork side of her persona in her sincere performance of "I'll be Home for Xmas". And no, it's not coincedence that I remember the same two Christmas songs from both Storm's special and Aimee's special. Each sit on opposite corners of what it means to be powerful and relevant females in the music industry just on the otherside of the mainstream. Storm was at ease performing with the Teen Idol (wouldn't you want Storm as your daughter's mentor...well I would) as she was performing with Morgan Grace in the highly unusual "Santa is a Carnivore". The performance of The Pixies, "Where is My mind?" made me smile but then I think that song makes perfect sense in any context. Storm was at her most endearing while describing her elbow rubbing with political leaders of Oregon. I so understand her excitement in her exclamation"I am a total whore and you're talking to me" to Governor Ted Kulongoski just as much as I understood the playful aggression towards a member of the audience "Give you a backrub before I fist you". Who else would generously give the audience a Christmas present as lovely as Darcelle reading "Twas the Night Before Xmas"?


  1. So you liked the Storm Large performance, then? I had a chance to go, but I didn't take it. Was it awesome? I was afraid it would hit a little too close too home, in the embarrassing kind of way. What do you think? I like this piece. I can picture you sitting in your chair observing with that smile of yours when you're pleased.

  2. It was awesome in a very sober way. Wasn't drinking for a year at the time. Moments of being very uncomfortable but since this unpublished piece was assumed to be published I didn't include that. I used to watch Storm and the Balls back in the day with my girlfriends, a set that have mostly moved away or I just don't hear from much right now. So nostalgia worked its magic big time.
